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flagAccelerated French/EN 4


Accelerated French/EN 4 (B1.2) is aimed at students who prefer English as the language of instruction. It is the last part of 2 courses in achieving the CEFR B1 level. It is for students who wish to develop their language skills to become independent learners and use French for personal enjoyment, study, work, or leisure activities. An intermediate language course that focuses on oral and written communication and the consolidation of listening and reading skills.

Voor wie: For students that have successfully completed Accelerated French/EN 3 (B1.1) at TaalTaal or students who have demonstrated linguistic skills to complete level B1.1. When in doubt, please contact us for an intake in order for us to determine your level.

Resultaat na afloop: By the end of the course, students will be able to perform at as a B1 Independent level user (Threshold) of the Common European Framework (CEFR). Successful completion of Accelerated French/EN 4 (B1.2) qualifies students to move forward to Accelerated French/EN 5 (B2.1)

Frequentie, duur, dag en tijd:  

Dit seizoen zijn er helaas geen groepen voor deze cursus, maar neem gerust contact op met de receptie.

💡 tip: u mag later altijd wisselen van groep of niveau

Advice for new students: if you are not sure which course will be the best for you, we would like to advise you to plan an intake. The intake is to assess your level and recommend which course you can follow. Please contact us by phone 070-3226091 or send an email to info@taaltaal.nl

Gebruikte lesmethode: Het boek (exclusief) kunt u voor meerdere modules binnen hetzelfde traject gebruiken. U kunt het boek zelf bestellen via o.a. bol.com


Édito B1 €33.00

(ISBN: 9783125295162)


Édito B1 Cahier d'exercices €15.00

(ISBN: 9783125295179)

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