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flagEnglish Upper-Intermediate New 2


English Upper-Intermediate NEW 3 is the last part of our Upper-Intermediate course which covers the final chapters of the English File book, Chapters 5-7. Topics include music, historical events, business and advertising, the media, past regrets and future aspirations.

Resultaat na afloop: You will have acquired essential skills for public speaking, and have learned how to organise your thoughts in chunks of information and present them in a logical sequence to effectively convey information. You easily navigate between unreal conditionals, past modals, and future time clauses. Through more complex writing tasks you have learned to write letters using formal and informal styles, construct narratives using time expressions, and present opinions using linking expressions and applying principles of structured and organised writing. More complex listening tasks have improved your comprehension and reinforced correct pronunciation. You will have further honed your reading and writing skills with a broader range of adverbial phrases, collocations, and subordinating conjunctions.

Frequentie, duur, dag en tijd:  Eén keer per week gedurende 11 weken. De eerste les is in de week van 23 september, tenzij anders vermeld. U kunt kiezen uit deze groepen:

10:00 tot 12:00
20:00 tot 22:00

💡 tip: u mag later altijd wisselen van groep of niveau

Gebruikte lesmethode: Het boek (exclusief) kunt u voor meerdere modules binnen hetzelfde traject gebruiken. U kunt het boek zelf bestellen via o.a. bol.com


English File Upper-Intermediate (4th) €48.00

(ISBN: 9780194039697)

Volledige programma voor Engels: